Liquid Iodine No.9 Vegetarian - 60mls - BodyBio

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Liquid Iodine No.9 Vegetarian - 60mls - BodyBio Expand

Iodine No.9 Clear Liquid Iodine - part of the BodyBio Mineral Kit for your daily Mineral Drink The secret of E-Lyte Minerals is in the ability to test each one separately. Taking only the ones you need is the most beneficial way to take them.* Trace Minerals are most easily absorbed in a liquid form. Minerals are absolutely essential for our body to function in a healthy manner

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£ 20.75

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Iodine No.9 Clear Liquid Iodine - part of the BodyBio Mineral Kit for your daily Mineral Drink

The secret of E-Lyte Minerals is in the ability to test each one separately.
Taking only the ones you need is the most beneficial way to take them.*
Trace Minerals are most easily absorbed in a liquid form.
Minerals are absolutely essential for our body to function in a healthy manner

Mineral Test Kit
BodyBio has developed a group of 8 Essential Liquid Minerals in a very low concentration which is close to homeopathic.
This mild concentration of each Mineral allows you to test your taste buds to see if you are deficient of any particular Mineral

The first thing you need to do is test yourself for each of the Minerals.
Identifying the proper combination of Minerals in your drink is an essential component to your liquid Mineral supplement program.

Getting Started with the Mineral Test Kit
1) The kit is easy to use.
2) Minerals are essential to health. This kit allows you to determine your personal need in a simple and reproducible home test.
3) The kit enables you to test your like or dislike for up to 8 BodyBio Liquid Minerals.
You do not have a test for No.9 Iodine (I), but you should take one portion (3 drops) per day of (I) in your Mineral drink to provide protection against deficiency.
The maximum dose for No.9 per day is 3 drops.
4) To refill the test bottle when empty put a daily dose of the relevant Mineral into the bottle and fill with distilled or pure water.

Instructions for refilling test bottles
There are 8 different Minerals in the taste kit.
Both the test bottles (8 oz.) and the Mineral supply bottles (2 or 4 oz.) are colour matched. No.1 is Green, No.2 is Orange, No.3 is Blue, etc.
Starting with Mineral No.1, put 13 drops of No.1 (Potassium Phosphate) in the test bottle and fill with pure water.
Repeat with the appropriate number of drops for each of the Minerals in their respective bottle, 7 drops for No.2, 10 for No.3, etc.

Procedure for Using the Taste Test Kit
1) Starting with Test Bottle No.1, pour a small amount in a glass or cup and sip. Record the number that best fits how that Mineral tastes (a taste test scale of 1-7 is on the box).
2) If the mineral has no taste other than plain water; you should include that Mineral. Add that one in your daily Mineral drink.
If it tastes metallic or has a strong lingering taste, your body is saying ‘I don’t want this right now; maybe next time.’ Omit this Mineral from your drink, but test regularly.
3) Repeat this process for each of the remaining Minerals.
4) Test and record your numbers each day, or on a regular basis (at least once a week), or whenever the drink tastes odd or different.
You’re the judge. Make sure you only take the Minerals that pass your taste test.
5) Minerals will change in taste as you build up your body’s store for that Mineral.
Testing helps you to know what you require. Tomorrow or next week your need may be different.

Your need for some Minerals may be greater than others and each of us is genetically different.
You must test periodically to learn what’s changed.
Take only the Minerals that have no taste at all (a 3) or have a pleasant taste (1 or 2)

Taking your daily Mineral Drink
To take one portion, start with No.1 and put in 13 drops of Potassium Phosphate. Proceed down the list No.2 through No.8 and add in each one as indicated on the bottle until you have added all the ones that scored under 4 (between 1 and 3).
Mix them all together. You may also add 3 drops of No.9.(Recommended)
It is best to take them with some Vitamin “C” such as Orange or Grapefruit juice. Pineapple is OK.
Using ½ juice and ½ water will reduce your sugar intake.
You can always add in a pinch of Vitamin C, especially if you take it with plain water.
When using other juices, like vegetable juice, it would be advisable to add in a pinch or ¼ tsp. of Vitamin C