Meda-Stim™ - 100 Capsules - Biotics® Research

Biotics Research Biotics Research


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Meda-Stim™ - 100 Capsules - Biotics® Research Expand

Meda-Stim™ - Thyroid Support

  • Hypothyroid Fatigue
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Reduced initiative
  • Mental sluggishness
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    £ 38.95

    inkl. MwSt.

    Meda-Stim™ - Thyroid Support

  • Hypothyroid Fatigue
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Reduced initiative
  • Mental sluggishness
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Poor Circulation
  • Dry scaly Skin
  • Ringing in the Ears
  • Hearing impaired
  • Constipation
  • Headaches upon waking that wear off during the day
  • Excessive hair loss
  • Supports Pituitary/Thyroid relationship
  • Supports Ovaries in relation to Thyroid 

  • Meda-Stim™ was developed to normalize the Thyroid without using Glandulars.
    It is an herbal and nutritional support for the conversion of T-4 to T-3, a common problem with Thyroid hypofunction, even when it is caused by Pituitary hypofunction or Adrenal hyperfunction.
    Consider Meda-Stim™ with Thyrostim if T-4 is reduced, and with G.T.A. if the TSH is increased. 

    Persons needing Meda-Stim™ may have subjective indications for Thyroid, which cannot be verified by blood tests or have normal T-3 levels that are reduced in relation to T-4.
    They will be making enough T4 but not converting it to T3.

    Meda-Stim™ helps the body to adjust to Thyroid fluctuations.
    It acts at a cellular level and will not over-stimulate Thyroid.
    Meda-Stim™ is often used along with Thyrostim, GTA, Liquid Iodine, Gammanol Forte, Flax Seed Oil, and/or ADHS.

    Persons in Adrenal alarm use the nutrients and enzymes necessary to make this conversion for Adrenal support and at the expense of the Thyroid.
    Consider ADHS or L-Tyrosine.

    Soy products and Isoflavones are contra-indicated with low Thyroid function
    Persons on Thyroid hormones may need to adjust hormone dosage.
    Contra-indicated during pregnancy and lactation.

    One (1) Capsule each day as a dietary supplement or as otherwise directed by a healthcare professional
    Do not take late in the day

    Each Capsule supplies:
    2mg Thiamin (Vitamin B1) (as Mononitrate)
    2mg Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
    20mg Niacin (as Niacinamide)
    2.4mg Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCI)
    67mcg Iodine (from Kelp and Bladderwick)
    4mg Zinc (as Zinc Gluconate)
    30mcg Selenium (as Selenomethionine)
    175mg L-Aspartic Acid
    100mg L-Glutamic Acid HCI
    20mg Glutathione (Reduced)
    20mg L-Tyrosine
    10mcg Rubidium* (from vegetable culture)
    15mg Salvia officinalis (leaf)
    20mg Pellitory-of-the-wall Parietaria diffusa (whole herb)
    Other Ingredientsbr>Capsule shell: Gelatin, water - Cellulose

    * Phytochemically-bound nutrients